Raw Milk Herd Share

In the state of Kentucky raw goat milk must be sold only at a permitted farm under law 902 KAR 50:120. However, when you purchase a herd share on a working farm, you are not technically buying the milk. You, as a stake holder in the farm’s operations, get to reap the benefit of the goods produced by your animal by paying an initial share fee and then a monthly “boarding and maintenance” fee for the caretaking of your animal.

We start by charging an initial (one-time) fee of $40 per share to “buy in” to the herd. This fee covers your starter bottling kit (we only use half gallon mason jars and white BPA free plastic lids)* and your share of the herd production during that lactation cycle. One share provides your family with one half gallon of milk per week. At some point, the lactation cycle will end, allowing us to take a break, and maybe even take our (human) kids to the beach or mountains for a few days.** When the new cycle begins, previous owners will pay a one-time fee of $20 per share to buy into that lactating cycle.
Twin Hills Farm Co. will always maintain majority ownership of all lactating animals as well as all decision making on animal diet, length of lactating cycle, veterinary care and when to breed goats for future lactating cycles. We anticipate that a cycle will be at least 9 months (maybe longer), but could be shorter depending on sickness and other things beyond our control. There will be no refunds issued due to a shorter than expected lactation cycle.

Once you buy in to the herd, and have coordinated with Brenda you are able to pick up one half gallon of milk per week for every share you purchase. We charge a monthly per share fee to cover boarding expenses for the herd (which includes hay / feed costs, veterinary care, and labor associated with harvesting and bottling the milk). The monthly fee per share is $38. You pay this fee whether you need / want milk or not. Remember, you are not buying the milk, you are paying for your portion of the animals’ care, and this fee must be paid regardless of whether you pick up milk each week or not.

Let’s look at a couple of examples of how this all works:

Example 1: You buy in to the herd for one share. You pay $40 for your initial first year fee. This guarantees you one half gallon per week. You then pay $38 monthly (due on the first day each month when you pick up your milk). If you only get 3 half gallons that month because you were out of town, didn’t need milk, etc. - you still pay $38 each month through the end of the lactating cycle.

At the beginning of the next lactation cycle, you buy in for one share again. Your buy in fee this time is only $20. You then pay $38 monthly through the end of the lactation cycle.

Example 2: You buy in to the herd for two shares. You pay $80 for your initial first year fee. This guarantees you two half gallons per week. You then pay $76 monthly, regardless of how much milk you take home each week, through the end of the lactation cycle.

At the beginning of the next lactation cycle, you would like to get three half gallons per week. Your buy in fee this time would be $96. That’s $76 for the two shares from the previous lactation cycle, plus $20 for the new share, which requires the bottling starter kit. You would then pay $96 monthly through the end of the lactation cycle.

In the event that your pickup day occurs 5 times in a given month, you will have the option to pick up milk on week 5, or you can skip that week. If you choose to pick up milk that week, you would add an additional week to your payment when you pay at the beginning of the month. If you choose to skip that week, your payment would remain the same, and you would pick up milk only 4 weeks that month.

*Shareholders will be expected to return jars and lids CLEANED each week they come to pick up their next 1/2 gallon of milk. If not cleaned, they will be charged a $5.00 fee, and if lost they will be charged a $10.00 fee to replace it.*

**We are seasonal breeders and do not over breed our does. Due to breeding schedules and/or unforeseen weather changes we cannot guarantee milk will be available year round. We do schedule our breedings so that we can aim to produce the same amount of milk on a weekly basis for 9-10 months; however, since we do dry off our does and let them rest for 3 months in between breeding there will still be some fluctuation in quantity of milk. We will do everything we can to notify you as soon as we see a change in your goat so that you can plan accordingly to nourish your household.**

Here’s how it works…

Screening and confirmatory tests estimate the number of somatic cells in milk. These cells, which include white blood cells and tissue cells are associated with the inflammation of the mammary glands. High counts can help us determine if there is a problem with herd and with the health of their udders. We regularly send our milk off to be tested to ensure there are no complications with the milk that will be nourishing your body. If you are interested in seeing any of these test results please contact Bean at Barnold@thf-llc.com.

Thank you in advance for choosing our herd to feed and nourish you and your family! <3

“We are on Earth to take care of life. We are on Earth to take care of each other.” -Xiye Bastida